Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Recording PC screen on linux PC

SimpleScreenRecorder does the job nicely. Do a search and you'll find it! :)

Hands-free mobile phone use while driving

After finally getting around to putting the effort into a hands free kit for mobile use in the car, these are my findings and works pretty well!


Phone device:

Samsung s7 edge

Bluetooth device:

I do not have a stereo system or head unit in my daily-driver that is Bluetooth capable. In fact it is the original stereo from Japan which only has a frequency rage of...  todo. 
Rather than install a stereo system capable of bluetooth, what I did was purchased a roidmi device. See url:
This device transmits audio via a set FM channel of your choosing to your existing car stereo.
You wont need this if your stereo is already Bluetooth capable (which many are)

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Find your linux version information

Recently I had to install virtualbox but feedback coming back at me from the install process was telling me that not all dependencies were being satisfied and therefore the installation was being aborted.

Looking at the download page for virtualbox it provided information on the ubuntu code names such as...

  • Trusty
  • Precise
  • Wheezy
  • etc etc...

Turns out I needed the download for xenial

Feed this into a terminal and see version info

cat /etc/*release

Kotlin (Programming language)
