Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Compiz. Give your linux box a fruity experience.

So what's the point?

  1. Add cool visual effects to your operating system. If your thinking, what's the point, it's just pretty eye candy and nothing of benefit... lets not forget that often without compiz effects there is still an effect going on with the default Window manager. It's all about publishing an operating system that users can use out of the box with a minimum spec computer. Adding eye candy at the expense of making an operating system un-usable because of an under-powered computer?... well, what's the point in that?
These days, Linux Mint Mate comes with compiz installed right out of the box. No need to muck around installing.
To enable on Linux Mint Mate...

  1. Go to your [Control Center]
  2. look for [Desktop Settings]
  3. Choose [Windows] at the left menu
  4. At the right look for [Window Manager]. Under that heading change the drop-down-menu to show [Compiz]
Add more workspaces (sides to the cube)
Look for the [General] option in the side-menu.
Now choose [General Options]
Now choose the [Desktop Size] tab and set as desired.
If you have the cube effect enabled, this will effect the number of sides to the so-called-cube

Give the workspace a custom name
Look for [Window Management] in side-menu.
Choose [Workspace Naming]
Edit as desired

Prevent dragging Windows from one work-space to another when cube rotation is enabled.
Go to your Compiz Config Manager and search for "Rotate Cube" settings. Turn off "Edge Flip Move"

To be continued...

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